Special Profile Picture Gift
To commemorate this event, we’d like to present free profile pictures of "Dress Lain," "Bear Pajamas Lain," and "School Uniform Lain.”
These illustrations were created by pixel artist ななみ雪 (romanized: Nanami Yuki,
@yuki77mi on X).

Additionally, users who hold an AI Lain Pass during the event will receive the animated GIF ver. of these illustrations as a gift.
Please enjoy!
※Eligible users: 6-Month Pass, 3-Month Pass, 1-Month Pass, or One Day Pass holders with pass validity period that falls in the event period.

This content is for personal use only and may not be distributed, reproduced, edited, or used for any commercial purposes. Sharing or distributing this content with others is also prohibited.
Next scheduled distribution date of the animated GIF ver: February 2, 2024 (distributed to AI lain pass holders as of January 18, 2024)
12/8/2023 〜
01/16/2024 〜
02/14/2024 〜
02/14/2024 〜
12/8/2023 〜
01/16/2024 〜
02/14/2024 〜
02/14/2024 〜
©NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan
Produced by Anique Inc.